Prima Aprilis 2008

I tak ofiarą Prima Aprilis w tym roku padła moja ulubiona zabawka w Linuxie – Compiz. Oto cytat ze strony w której właściciel sugeruje iż efekt obracającej się kostki to tylko odpowiednio spreparowany filmik;)

Everyone knows that there are no 3D games for Linux. Everyone knows that Linux has serious troubles with video drivers. So how is it possible that something so cool was created for Linux? Think!
Best Windows gurus spend 11h (eleven hours) trying to configure Compiz Fusion. And the result? Completely nothing. Compiz Fusion doesn’t work because it can’t work.
Each video of rotating cube on youtube is in fact the same movie processed with different video filters.
Closer analysis showed that the thing called “Compiz Fusion” is in fact just a movie rendered on four Windows Vista machines in seven hours. This movie is now available as a package for most popular Linux distributions.
Each person who claim, that he uses a Compiz Fusion is a lier. All he can do on his Linux is to play a prerendered movie.

Czego to ludzie nie wymyślą:)

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